Vocational Colleges Curricula: A Comparative Study between Malaysia and Nigeria


The aims of Vocational Colleges (VCs) are to give training and impart necessary skills leading to the production of craftsmen who will be enterprising and self-reliant. Many developing countries face the problem of unemployment among graduates; this may not be far from curricula modules mismatching job requirements. The scenario of low participation of private sector in skills development of graduates exists in Nigeria as a result of which the needs of local industries is not met. The objective of this paper is to compare the curriculum framework, courses/subjects-matter, aims, modes of transaction, and evaluation strategies in VCs in Malaysia and Nigeria. The methodology used in this study involved gathering previous studies on comparative analysis in education through Google Scholar, Science Direct, and JSTOR. Related Procedia were also retrieved from Elsevier. Literatures show that students have to adapt with 21st century knowledge, skills, innovative practice and competence as key points to job creation and wealth generation. The findings of this paper show that the curriculum structures in VCs in Malaysia are more updated than in Nigeria. However, curricula in VCs in Malaysia and Nigeria still need some improvements in entrepreneurship skills. This is necessary for effective transmission of knowledge and skills from school to work environment in the 21st century

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