The Echo: December 10, 1926


Taylor Receives State Recognition – Sophomores Beat “White Sox” 13-7 – Student Convention Proves Valuable – Thalos Meet Philos Saturday Night – Taylor Meets Whittenberg Tonight – Philos Present Novel Program – People Interested in Scouting To Have Banquet – Soangetahas Revise Constitution – Taylor To Be Represented at Nat’l Conference – Public Recital – Dr. Wray Leads Chapel – Eureka Minute Men Respond – Hild Wins Speaking Contest – Hit and Miss – Thalonians Hold Second Pep Session – The Inquiring Reporter – Open Forum Discussion – Take Time To Put Christ Into Your Christmas – Personal Appearances Mark Character – Elaboration – Seek The Honor Of God! – Editorial – Statement – This Youth Movement – Fashion Forecast—1945 – Pay Your Echo Subscription Now – Taylor Students Return From Mich. Conference – Clark Leads Volunteers – Introspection – Prayer Band Has Election of Officers – Taylor Alumni at the University of Michigan – All Spice – World News – From Other Colleges – Did You Know That

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