The Promethean, Volume 28, \u3cem\u3eThe Last Torch\u3c/em\u3e, 2020


In September, we did not know that this edition of The Promethean would truly be the last. Riding the wave of Blue Apocalypse, our editors sat in front of each other composing a pool of possible themes. We wanted a title that captured the loss of the College of Arts & Sciences at Concordia University – Portland. We were still present, learning, and generating beautiful work, despite mourning a gaping wound. We wanted to remind those around us—and even ourselves—that the literary heart of this university still burned with passion, talent, and perseverance. When I suggested The Last Torch to our staff, the titular myth of this journal played through my mind. Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and gifted it to mortals, seeing mankind’s weakened, vulnerable state. It was a gift, requiring sacrifice, and resulting in great reward and great punishment. I did not know that this title would become entirely ironic. As we continue to experience disruption and uncertainty moving forward, I counsel us all to remember this: fire may devastate and destroy, but it can also be used to light the way. May we use our talents to similarly break down social barriers and uplift, leading this fractious community out of darkness and towards a better future. On behalf of Dr. Kimberly Knutsen, my Assistant Managing Editor J.C.G., our team of student editors, and all of our valued contributors, I am blessed to present to you the 2019-2020 issue of The Promethean: The Last Torch.

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