Layer by layer printing of nanomaterials for large-area, flexible electronics


Large-area electronics, including printable and flexible electronics, is an emerging concept which aims to develop electronic components in a cheaper and faster manner, especially on those non-conventional substrates. Being flexible and deformable, this new form of electronics is regarded to hold great promises for various futuristic applications including the internet of things, virtual reality, healthcare monitoring, prosthetics and robotics. However, at present, large-area electronics is still nowhere near the commercialisation stage, which is due to several problems associated with performance, uniformity and reliability, etc. Moreover, although the device’s density is not the major concern in printed electronics, there is still a merit in further increasing the total number of devices in a limited area, in order to achieve more electronic blocks, higher performance and multiple functionalities. In this context, this Ph.D. thesis focuses on the printing of various nanomaterials for the realisation of high-performance, flexible and large-area electronics. Several aspects have been covered in this thesis, including the printing dynamics of quasi-1D NWs, the contact problem in device realisation and the strategy to achieve sequential integration (3D integration) of the as-printed devices, both on rigid and flexible substrates. Promisingly, some of the devices based on the printed nanomaterial show a comparable performance to the state-of-the-art technology. With the demonstrated 3D integration strategy, a highly dense array of electronic devices can be potentially achieved by printing method. This thesis also touches on the problem associated with the circuit and system realisation. Specifically, graphene-based logic gates and NW based UV sensing circuit has been discussed, which shows the promising applications of nanomaterial-based electronics. Future work will be focusing on extending the UV sensing circuit to an active matrix sensor array

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