The Later Years: Women Instructors at the Winnipeg School of Art in the 1940s


Women were employed as art teachers at the Winnipeg School of Art in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in unusual numbers from 1940 to 1950. Beneficiaries of a proper art education, they "kept the home fires burning." When the men came back they were let go in what was seen as a return to normalcy.Les femmes étaient employées comme enseignantes d’artau Winnipeg School of Art à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, ennombres exceptionnels de 1940 à 1950. Bénéficiairesd’une formation indiquée en art, elles étaient les“gardiennes du feu au foyer.” Lorsque les hommesrevinrent de la guerre, elles furent renvoyées à ce quiétait vu comme étant un retour à la normale

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