Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, With Special Reference to the Endocrine Aspect


1. This work with these special cases was originated as a result of work with adrenaline on hopeless eczema cases and others. It is entirely original, and was begun before the author heard of Dr. Hench and his colleagues. It is not claimed that adrenaline can take the place of the valuable hormones discovered by these workers. Adrenaline is useful in early cases, and in later cases to screen with and save the more potent hormones, which are in such short supply. 3. Adrenaline is best given in small doses, with s period between; this period may be a week or shorter, as the patient will say when the pains return. 4. Treatment with adrenaline is not spectacular. It is hard work, both for the patient and the doctor; it is a long-term policy. Patience and care are needed for success. The latent period between stress and onset varies. Cold and damp, such as the cellars during the Blitz materially shortened the period. 6. Not only the pituitary-adrenal syndrome affects rheumatoid arthritis; the gonadotrophic syndrome does also

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