A Radiotelemetry Study of Colonic Motility in Patients With Diverticular Disease


Diverticular disease of the colon has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. Reduced intake of dietary fibre resulting in a corresponding increase in intracolonic pressure is one hypothesis which has been suggested to be of importance in the pathophysiology of the disease. Fibre supplements have been prescribed empirically for this condition and promote symptomatic relief in the majority of patients. However, the relationship between fibre and colonic motility remains uncertain. Studies performed using open-ended or balloon-tipped catheters have shown that diverticulosis is associated with raised parameters of colonic motility, although more recent work in asymptomatic patients with diverticular disease has failed to confirm this. The discrepancy may be due to the difference in technique used to measure colonic motility. A non-invasive system for measuring colonic motility, based on a traditional pressure sensitive radiotelemetry capsule has been developed and validated. Patterns of intracolonic pressure associated with the pathophysiology of diverticular disease and fibre therapy have been reexamined . Data from the studies described in this thesis has shown a link between certain parameters of colonic motility in the left hemicolon and severity of diverticular disease. One parameter, the motility index increased with the severity of diverticular disease at rest, following food, and during sleep. The motility index of the right hemicolon has also been found to rise as the number of diverticula increase in the left hemicolon. In another study reported here, four weeks of ispaghula therapy in patients with diverticular disease was shown to reduce whole gut transit time and increase motility, primarily by its effect in the right hemicolon. The studies described in this thesis demonstrate changes in colonic motility associated with diverticular disease. Whether these changes are causal or result from the disease process cannot be established from the data. However, the technique for assessing colonic motility characterised here can be applied to future studies of diverticular disease and other colonic disorders

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