In the present work, we model the salient magnetic properties of the alloy
layered ferrimagnetic nanostructures
[Co1βcβGdcβ]ββ²β[Co]ββ[Co1βcβGdcβ]ββ²β between
magnetically ordered cobalt leads. The effective field theory (EFT) Ising spin
method is used to compute reliable JCoβCoβ and JGdβGdβ exchange values
for the pure cobalt and gadolinium materials in comparison with experimental
data. Using the combined EFT and mean field theory (MFT) spin methods, the
sublattice magnetizations of the Co and Gd sites on the individual hcp
basal planes of the layered nanostructures, are calculated and analyzed. The
sublattice magnetizations, effective magnetic moments per site, and
compensation characteristics on the individual hcp atomic planes of the
embedded nanostructures are presented as a function of temperature and the
thicknesses of the layered ferrimagnetic nanostructures, for different stable
eutectic concentrations cβ€ 0.5. In the absence of first principles
calculations for these basic physical variables for the layered nanostructures
between cobalt leads, the combined EFT and MFT approach, and appropriate
magnetic modeling of the well-defined interfaces of these systems, yield the
only available information for them at present. These magnetic variables are
necessary for spin dynamic computations, and for the ballistic magnon transport
across embedded nanojunctions in magnonics. The model is general, and may
applied directly to other composite magnetic elements and embedded