Question Generation (QG) is fundamentally a simple syntactic transformation;
however, many aspects of semantics influence what questions are good to form.
We implement this observation by developing Syn-QG, a set of transparent
syntactic rules leveraging universal dependencies, shallow semantic parsing,
lexical resources, and custom rules which transform declarative sentences into
question-answer pairs. We utilize PropBank argument descriptions and VerbNet
state predicates to incorporate shallow semantic content, which helps generate
questions of a descriptive nature and produce inferential and semantically
richer questions than existing systems. In order to improve syntactic fluency
and eliminate grammatically incorrect questions, we employ back-translation
over the output of these syntactic rules. A set of crowd-sourced evaluations
shows that our system can generate a larger number of highly grammatical and
relevant questions than previous QG systems and that back-translation
drastically improves grammaticality at a slight cost of generating irrelevant
questions.Comment: Some of the results in the paper were incorrec