Partire, lavorare, parlare: uno sguardo all'emigrazione italiana dal 1945 agli anni Settanta


This chapter describes the history of italian emigration since the second world war. Emigration after the war depended on many social and economic variables, as well as the difficulties of integration in the countries to which they emigrated. Those leaving often only hoped to scrape together small amounts useful for planning their future and that of their own family. Those countries who received the immigrants, did not want them to remain for too long: the countries that welcomed manpower did so under strict conditions and by linking the immigrant presence to contracts of employment. In the 60s and 70s italian emigration was less precarious, but after the economic crisis (1973) a lot of people was forced to return to Italy. The characteristics of the relationship between multilingualism and emigration in this period are very much influenced by social and political conditions

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