High-purity material selection techniques for Rare-Events Physics experiments


In experiments on Rare-Events Physics it is important that the construction materials, in particular those closer to the detectors, have the smallest amount of contaminants that can contribute to background. Copper is a material widely used thanks to its low content in radioactive contaminants, so it is very important to develop tools able to reach high sensitivity in the analysis of Copper radioactivity. A method based on Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) has been developed to analyze 232Th contamination in copper samples through the irradiation of 200 g of copper then radiochemical concentrated using nitric acid and actinide resin. Several elutions with various inorganic acids were done to concentrate 233Pa, activation product of 232Th, from copper matrix to eliminate radioactive contribution from other activation products. Using gamma spectroscopy with HPGe to evaluate the radioactivity due to gamma rays from 233Pa decay it was possible to reach a detection limit of 5 × 10−13g232Th/gCu

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