Experimental study on grooved Si and Ge crystals for Laue lens application


An experimental study on the method of indentations for bent crystals to realize a hard X-ray Laue lens has been done. We tested the diffraction properties of indented Si and Ge crystalline plates at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France). The samples were analyzed by diffraction of their (111) planes with hard X-rays from 150 to 600 keV. Crystals have shown significantly high diffraction efficiency, i.e. a Si crystal has exhibited up to 80% at 300 keV. A Ge crystal has confirmed the observation for a Si one, though the diffraction efficiency was about 60%. In both cases rocking curves showed flat-toped rectangular shapes, which demonstrates that the method of indentations evenly bends the crystals. Moreover, measured angular spread was always very close to the morphological curvature of the sample under investigation, showing that this method offers high reproducibility and, thus, easy control of diffraction properties of the crystals

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