Top quark physics in the standard model effective field theory


We explore some applications of the Standard Model (SM) Effective Field Theory (EFT) as a tool with which to describe generic nonresonant new physics (NP) at hadron colliders. A global fit of the dimension-six Wilson Coefficients relevant to top quark production is presented, utilizing diverse experimental datasets from both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Runs I and II and the TeVatron, with current results in good agreement with the SM. Machinery is developed to systematically treat redundancies between higher-dimensional operators in the automated model-building and phenomenology toolkit FeynRules, and a general SMEFT model implementation for event generators detailed. We then investigate the importance of high momentum transfer final states in top pair production to the EFT fit, taking advantage of boosted reconstruction techniques. We find sensitivity is typically driven by fully resolved analyses in several benchmark scenarios for total integrated luminosity and experimental systematic uncertainties

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