Experimental lathyrism in vivo and in vitro


Experimental lathyrism has been studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo it has been produced in mice and has been shown to be the same disease as in rats, though mice are slightly less susceptible. Histological the main cause of the sortic rupture is thought to be a defect in the elastic. The process leading to the defect is a malformation and not a degeneration: the period at which rupture can most readily be induced coincides with the phase of maximum growth: adult animals are almost completely refactory. In vitro the synthesis of elastic by tissue explants was found to be inhibited by lathyrogenic substances. In black controls and in the Presence of compounds similar in structure but known to be non-lathyrogonic in vivo, elastic was formed. The chemical structure of lathyrogenic substances is discussed. It is suggested that inhibition of synthesis of hexo-samine may account for the defect in elastic and indeed may explain the whole syndrome of lathyrism

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