Performance-driven resource allocation for technology-exploiting ventures: Exploration of optimal capital commitment strategy for sustainable growth


The purpose of this research was principally to explore the growth and development experience of technology-exploiting ventures (TEVs) with the objective to examine factors that augmented their performance from an interdisciplinary perspective building on the traditional resource-based view and the contemporary studies on intellectual capital. Based on a holistic approach, a literature review was completed to cover interdisciplinary research studies in the areas of performance measurement, resource-based view, intellectual capital, technology management, and other pertinent management studies, particularly managerial accounting and corporate governance. A framework of resource flow integrated with a performance measurement system in connection with issues of venture governance was developed to exemplify critical factors that could augment optimal resource allocation and growth of TEVs. Research questions were introduced to investigate current discrepancies in the relevant knowledge. Focusing on the two defined stages of early-growth and expansion, this research adopted the triangulation methodology to investigate the opinions of equity stakeholders and to explore the patterns and variations in resource utilisation among cases of TEVs under the two different stages. Both in-depth case analysis and longitudinal disclosures analysis were engaged to explore the underlying relationship between significant components of intellectual capital and performance of TEVs. The results revealed the differentiating reliance on resources at the two prescribed stages of development and the implications to performance measurement system of TEVs

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