A qualitative investigation into the social experiences of young people with epilepsy: Perceived impact and sense of self and clinical research portfolio


Background: This study examines referrals to a newly established Neuropsychology Assessment Service (NAS) within Argyll and Bute. In order for the service to successfully develop, it is essential that this provision be monitored to aid future planning. Methods: Data were gathered from those referrals accepted for assessment by the NAS within the first 9 months of the service's establishment. Information was gathered from the clinical psychology department's database and relevant case-notes. Results: A total of 15 referrals were analysed in terms of a) the profile of referrals to the service b) the nature of the assessment service received c) the outcome of cases. The most notable results were the attendance of all 15 referrals for the duration of assessment, especially in light of significantly high journey times for many patients to attend their appointments. Conclusions: With initial results being positive, the service will need to plan the next steps for developing the NAS, and assess the resource implications for this. Staffing shortages and changes in the Health Board's management and structure may complicate these developments

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