
Modelling Enhanced Gas Recovery by CO2_2 Injection in Partially-Depleted Reservoirs.


Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is considered as an important solution for CO2_2 emission reduction, yet, the CO2_2 capture process is highly costly. Thus, combining Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) with CCS could potentially offset the costs via additional production of natural gas. Therefore, the objective of this P.hD. is to build a numerical model to simulate CO2_2-EGR in partially-depleted gas reservoirs; in particular Centrica Plc's North Morecame gas field. Our numerical model is based on the so-called Method of Lines (MOL) approach. MOL requires selecting a set of persistent Primary Dependent Variables (PDVs) to solve for. In this case, we chose to solve for pressure, temperature and component mass fractions. Additionally, MOL requires recasting of the governing equations in terms of the PDVs, which often requires the evaluation of partial derivative terms of the flow properties with respect to the PDVs. In this work, a method of analytical evaluation of these partial derivative terms is introduced. Furthermore, in a new approach, the mutual solubility correlations for mixtures of CO2_2-H2_2O and CH4_4-H2_2O, available in the literature, are joined together using straight lines as a ternary diagram, to form a ternary CO2_2-CH4_4-H2_2O equilibrium model; the equilibrium-model's predictions matched well with the available experimental solubility data. 1D and 2D numerical simulations of CO2_2-EGR were carried out. Overall, the 1D results were found to match very well with an existing analytical solution, predicting accumulation of a CH4_4 bank ahead of the CO2_2 plume and accurately locating the associated shock fronts while considering the partial miscibility of both CO2_2 and CH4_4 in H2_2O. Based on the subsequent model predictions, in the North Morecambe field without drilling any additional wells, 0.6 out 2.3 BSCM, i.e., 26\% of the remaining gas can potentially be recovered using CO2_2-EGR

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