Evaluation of Integrated Management of Wild Radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) in Faba Bean in Waliso District of South West Shoa, Ethiopia


A field experiment was conducted from 2017 to 2018 to evaluate effective and economical integrated management package for the control of Raphanus raphanistrum in faba bean in Waliso District of South West Shoa, Ethiopia. The experimental design used was spilt plot design with two levels of plowing frequency assigned as main plot and eight weed management practice as sub plot in three replications. Data recorded on crop and weed related parameters. Results obtained indicated that the interaction effect of plowing frequency and combination of herbicides with hand weeding frequency significantly affected plant height, number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, crop biomass and grain yield of faba bean. The highest mean grain yield (1541 kg/ha) was obtained from the interaction effect of  plowing three times with application of pendimethalin at 3 lt ha-1 supplemented with once hand weeding at 30-35  days after sowing. This  is followed by plowing three times and  application of S-Metolachlor at 1 litter ha-1 supplemented with  twice hand weeding at 30-35 and 50-55 days after sowing that gave a mean grain yields of 1463kg/ha. The interaction effect of plowing frequency and combination of herbicides with hand weeding frequency also significantly affected the weed population, weed plant height and biomass.  The lowest R. raphanistrum population, height and biomass was obtained from the interaction of three times plowing and application of S-metolachlor at 1 litter ha-1 supplemented with twice hand weeding at 30-35 and 50-55 days after sowing. Economic analysis showed that trice plowing combined with application of Pendimethalin at 3 lt ha-1 supplemented by once hand weeding at 30-35 days after sowing gave the highest Net benefit (23174 birr) followed by three times plowing combined with application S-Metolachlor at 1 lt ha-1 supplemented by twice hand weeding. Therefore, three times plowing and application of S-Metolachlor herbicide supplemented by twice hand weeding at 30-35 and 50-55 DAS or three times plowing and application of Pendimethalin herbicide at 3 lt ha-1 supplemented with one time hand weeding at 30-35 DAS is recommended for economic control of R. raphanistrum in  faba bean production. Keywords: Raphanus raphanistrum, s-metolachlor, pendimethalin DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-5-02 Publication date:March 31st 202

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