The Role of Art Education Teachers' in Developing Emotional Awareness of Students


The study aimed to know the role of technical education teachers in developing the emotional awareness of students in Jordanian government schools for the academic year (2019/2020), and the study used the descriptive analytical approach, and the sample consisted of (450) and retrieved (430) students, the results reached The presence of individual differences in the levels of emotional awareness in favor of the female category with an average arithmetic (3.74) higher compared to males with an average arithmetic (3.57), and the study recommended taking into account the need to take care of programs and course of art education through effective educational plans because of its impact on stimulating and raising the degree of awareness of educated people ,  trained both teacher and students to develop their artistic  and technical skills by using technology in their studies and majors  to keep pace with modernity and the most prominent techniques in the field of arts, and to pay attention to the issue of stimulating productivity of students and teachers together by setting a list of  productive quality criteria  that contribute to the preparation and production of artists of different branches of their technical majors. Keywords: Art Education Teachers, Emotional Awareness. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-5-13 Publication date: February 29th 202

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