FrameOUT and FrameOUTDB: A web based application and repository for the identification and analysis of frameshift mutations


Frameshift, one of the three classes of recoding, leads to waste of energy, resources and activity of biosynthetic machinery. In addition, some peptides, probably cycotoxic synthesized after frameshifts, results in diseases and disorders like muscular dystrophies, lysosomal storage disorders, and cancer. Hidden Stop Codons that occur naturally in coding sequences among all organisms, are associated with the early termination of translation for incorrect reading frame selection and help to reduce the metabolic cost related to the frame-shift events. Hidden stop codons and their association with numerous diseases. These codons are associated with the early termination of translation for incorrect reading frame selection and help to reduce the metabolic cost related to the frame-shift events. There are lots of appearances of hidden stops in mitochondrial genomes and we tried to study this putative event in mitochondrial genomes of vertebrates. To reduce this gap, this work presents an algorithmic web based tool to study hidden stops in frame-shifted translation for vertebrate mitochondrial genomes through respective genetic code system. FrameOUT (FO), an algorithmic web based application, predicts mutations in a user input sequence, be it a diseased or a normal sequence by implementation of Hidden Markov Model. FODB is a collection of all available Frameshift events and their association with various diseases

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