Inhibition of fibronectin matrix assembly by the heparin-binding domain of vitronectin


The deposition of fibronectin into the extracellular matrix is an integrin-dependent, multistep process that is tightly regulated in order to ensure controlled matrix deposition. Reduced fibronectin deposition has been associated with altered embryonic development, tumor cell invasion, and abnormal wound repair. In one of the initial steps of fibronectin matrix assembly, the amino-terminal region of fibronectin binds to cell surface receptors, termed matrix assembly sites. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of extracellular signals in the regulation of fibronectin deposition. Our data indicate that the interaction of cells with the extracellular glycoprotein, vitronectin, specifically inhibits matrix assembly site expression and fibronectin deposition. The region of vitronectin responsible for the inhibition of fibronectin deposition was localized to the heparin-binding domain. Vitronectin\u27s heparin-binding domain inhibited both β1 and non-β1 integrin-dependent matrix assembly site expression and could be overcome by treatment of cells with lysophosphatidic acid, an agent that promotes actin polymerization. The interaction of cells with the heparin-binding domain of vitronectin resulted in changes in actin microfilament organization and the subcellular distribution of the actin- associated proteins α-actinin and talin. These data suggest a mechanism whereby the heparin-binding domain of vitronectin regulates the deposition of fibronectin into the extracellular matrix through alterations in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton

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