La melancolía en “La primeira y segunda centúrias de curas medicinais” de Amato Lusitano


Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio introductorio al tema de la melancolía en la obra de Amato Lusitano, sobre todo de la “Primeira y Segunda Centúrias” de las siete que componen la obra “Curationum Medicinalium Centuriae Septem”, intentando definir la práctica clínica del autor, los principios sobre que se fundamenta y la influencia que otros autores y su filiación judía imprimirán a la obra.An introductory study to the theme of melancholy in the work of Amato Lusitano was done, especially from the “Primeira and Segunda Centúrias” from the seven that compose the work “Curationum Medicinalium Centuriae Septem”, trying to draw the picture of the author’s clinical practice and the guiding principles on which it is based as well as the influence that other authors and his own Jewish affiliation brought to his work

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