Studies in the storage rots of potatoes caused by Phoma species


Examination of the results of Series II inoculations shows that in each variety tested, susceptibility to Gangrene, as caused by either isolate, increases with the length of the storage period. The varieties are immune at lifting and during most of the dormant period. However, with sprouting, susceptibility is increased. Isolates 1 and 2 differed in their pathogenicity depending on the tuber variety concerned. Thus, Doon Star, Catriona and Kerr's Pink were more susceptible to isolate 1, and Golden Wonder and Home Guard were more susceptible to isolate 2. As regards susceptibility to isolate l,the varieties may be placed in the following order:- a) Catriona and Home Guard, b) Doon Star, c) Golden Wonder and Kerr's Pink. Similarly, with isolate 2 the varieties are placed in the order, a) Home Guard b) Golden Wonder, c) Doon Star and Kerr's Pink and d) Catriona. No conclusive evidence was produced regarding the pathogenicity of isolate 5 on any of the varieties tested. It seemed that this isolate was not a virulent parasite. The results of Series III inoculations show that storage at a higher temperature before inoculation renders the tubers more susceptible to Gangrene. However, storage at a low temperature subsequent to inoculation increases susceptibility to Gangrene, the rots formed being more extensive in the tubers kept in the insulated store room than in those kept at room temperature. Series III inoculations also indicated that different potato varieties can be graded according to their susceptibility. The first set of inoculations showed that the tubers tested could be placed in the following order of increasing susceptibility with regard to isolate 1: a) Kerr's Pink,b) Doon Star and Arran Banner,c) Golden Wonder,d) Arran Pilot,e) Catriona and Home Guard. Similarly, with regard to isolate 2, the order of the varieties is a) Kerr's Pink,b) Golden Wonder,c) Arran Banner and Doon Star, d) Arran Pilot,e) Home Guard,f) Catriona. In the second set of inoculations the order of increased susceptibility to isolate 1 is a) Home Guard, Doon Star and Kerr's Pink, b) Arran Pilot, c) Arran Banner, d) Golden Wonder and e) Catriona. With isolate 2 the sequence is a) Doon Star, Kerr's Pink and Golden Wonder, b) Arran Pilot, c) Arran Banner, d) Home Guard and e) Catriona. It is also evident from the results that some varieties, e.g. Kerr's Pink, Arran Banner and Catriona were more susceptible to isolate 2 in both sets of inoculations. In addition, Doon Star tended to be more susceptible to this isolate in the later set of inoculations. Series IV inoculations showed conclusively, that soil and storage conditions can be responsible for the development of a Skin Necrosis type of rot on infected tubers. The Skin Necrosis symptoms developed on only 51.3% of those tubers which were grown on peat soil and kept under low temperature storage conditions. The remaining tubers all developed deeper rots which , although shallow, were quite distinct from those showing Skin Necrosis symptoms

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