History, action and therapeutic used of Salvarsan, (Ehrlich-Hata "606")


The introduction of any drug which holds out some prospect of success in the treatment of spirillar and trypanosome diseases must, of necessity, attract great attention but no remedy has, up to the present, caused such a furore as Salvarsan. Although quinine, salicy - lates and tuberculin have all had great ovations they have not created such a universal enthusiasm as "606 ". Medical men have described its effects in *lowing terms and the lay press has contained some extraordinary statements about its curative properties.All these statements err on one point - the mention of the word cure. It cannot be too strongly insisted that we cannot promise that yet and the circulation of false powers will bring disappointment to some people and throw some discredit on the drug. On the other hand accounts of amaurosis after it are erroneous and they will tend to limit its use unfairly. Wechsel- mann, Ernest Lane, Pernet, Hutchinson and others have all tried to moderate the excessive enthusiasm which has arisen about it.In a third way false statements have been publish d. Some say it will supplant mercury and iodides but that is impossible. Cases are on record where these old and trusted remedies have acted and Salvarsan failed. There is no doubt however that it will limit their use.It marks the commencement of a new era in the treatment of parasitic diseases and, in time, it may become the parent of new substances which may have a still better action. At present it is doing excellent work and if we improve its technique and dosage or combine it with other substances we may, in time, wipe out the scourge of syphilis which has done so much evil since the middle ages

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