Interstitial cells of cajal of the equine gastrointestinal tract: development and disease


Gastrointestinal motility disorders constitute a substantial problem in the horse both in terms of welfare and economic cost. It is often difficult to identify the underlying cause as many horses recover spontaneously or with empirical medical treatment. Recently, the gastrointestinal pacemaker cells, the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), were identified in the horse. These cells initiate and coordinate gastrointestinal motility patterns through the generation of slow waves. This current study investigated the ICC in the equine intestine both in health and disease using immunohistochemical, electrophysiological and molecular biological techniques. The aim of these studies was to further our knowledge on the role of ICC in equine intestinal motility disorders.Using immunohistochemistry targeting a receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Kit, of the ICC, the ontogeny of these cells in the horse was described. This demonstrated a proximal to distal, as well as a transmural developmental gradient in the large intestine with evidence of ongoing postnatal development. Additionally, the density of ICC in healthy, adult horses was compared to that in horses with obstructive intestinal disease requiring surgical correction. This demonstrated a significant reduction in ICC density in horses with obstructive disorders of the large intestine compared to the control group. In addition, ICC density and distribution was investigated in recovered chronic equine grass sickness horses as well as in normal and diseased donkeys.The c-kit gene, encoding the c-Kit receptor of the ICC, was identified in intestinal tissue samples. The transcription levels of this gene were determined and comparisons made - 1 - between healthy and diseased horses using quantitative real-time PCR analysis. A parallel immunohistochemical assessment was also performed. These studies demonstrated no significant changes in gene transcription levels, although a reduction in ICC density (using c-Kit immunohistochemistry) in horses with an obstructive disorder of the large colon was evident, suggesting that future investigations of c-kit posttranscriptional control as well as c-Kit protein pathology are warranted.Investigation of the in vitro electrical activity of the equine large colon was carried out using intracellular microelectrode recording techniques in order to characterise slow waves and other electrical activities in this anatomical region from normal and diseased horses.It is hoped that this study will help improve our knowledge ofthe involvement of ICC in equine intestinal motility in health and disease. Furthermore, it may facilitate future studies investigating the involvement and function of the ICC in the equine gastrointestinal tract

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