Peritonitis. Some experimental and clinical observations on its pathology, prophylaxis and treatment


The impression conveyed to one from a rapid survey of the vast literature 011 the subject of Peritonitis is that this literature may be divided into two clearly defined and widely differing parts. The one part dealing with the experimental side of the subject,is chiefly concerned with physiological and pathological questions,and to a less degree with prophylactic measures for peritonltis; this part is highly scientific in its methods and design. The other part deals with the methods and the results of the surgical treatment of Peritonitis practised in various hospitals and this section bears for the most part singularly little relation to the former one. This separation and lack of co-operation between the experimental and the clinical workers on the subject has, one feels sure, retarded the progress of our treatment of Peritonitis. The work recorded in this thesis is an attempt to harmonise and to combine the methods of experimental research with those of clinical and practical therapeutics. Whilst this thesis treats essentially of the use of certain prophylactic and therapeutic measures for peritoneal infections, facts of a more purely pathological and bacteriological nature which were brought out during the research are ,however,also recorded and discussed

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