

1. That the reasons 'why the incidence of eclampsia is higher in South India, than it is in Western countries are probably:- (a) the higher percentage of young primiparae. (b) the greater number of factors, which may precipitate an attack in border line cases of albuminuria.2. That the influence of climate, social conditions and caste is of some importance:— Climate, in that it is enervating and encourages sedentary habits; Social conditions, because of the superstitions and traditions, which consider as an essential part of the confinement, the presence of the untrained barber-woman as midwife-in-chief; Caste, because of the individual caste regulations, which control such conditions as diet, early marriage and its consummation, purdah and education of women.3. That the hope for the future of the young mothers of Southern India lies in the provision of an increased number of accessible ante-natal centres, with well trained health visitors and corporation nurses attached, who may be expected to supersede eventually the untrained Barber, woman class of midwife

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