Studies in the nitrogen heterocyclic series


PART I. SYNTHESES IN THE QUINOXALINE SERIES: Several α-hydroxy nitrogen heterocyclic bases have been treated with an equimolecular mixture of phosphorus oxychloride and water. Simple α-hydroxyquinoxalines, acridone, and phenanthridone are converted to the corresponding chloro derivatives by this mixture. The mixture is a less efficient chlorinating agent than phosphorus oxychloride itself. Derivatives of methin-(2'-(3'-keto) tetrahydroquinoxaline) I are converted to the corresponding methin-(2'-dihydroquinoxaline) bases II in good yield by this mixture. Methin-(2- pyrazinyl)-(2'-dihydroquinoxaline) (II - R = 2-pyrazinyl) and a yellow base, C₁₃H₈N₄, for which the structure 10H- pyrazino (2',3':3,4)cyclopenta(b) quinoxaline III has been suggested, are obtained when methin-(2-quinoxalinyl)-(2' -(3' -keto) piperazine) IV is treated with the mixture. Two bases are also obtained when methin-(2-pyrazinyl)- (2' -(3'-keto)piperazine) is treated with the mixture. Structures have been proposed for these bases. Attempts to synthesise 1'-ketocyclopenta (4',5':2,3) quinoxaline, the starting material for a proposed synthesis of 10H-pyrazino (2', 3':3,4)cyclopenta(b)quinoxaline III, have been made. PART II STUDIES ON CERTAIN QUINOXALINE DERIVATIVES. This research has been directed toward the elucidation of the structure of a red base, C₂₀₁H₄N₄, obtained from the reaction of 2-acetyl-3-methylquinoxaline with 2-methylquinoxaline in dilute acid. A structure, quinoxalo(2',3':8,9)benzo(2,3)-7-methyl-tropazine V, had been proposed for this base. An attempt to prepare quinoxalo (2',3':8,9)benzo(2,3)tropazine by the cyclisation of α-(3-methylquinoxaliny1-2)-ß-(quinoxalinyl- 2')-ethylene was unsuccessful. Attempts to brominate the C-methyl group with bromine directly and with N-bromosuccinimide failed. Attempted oxidations of the C-methyl group with selenium dioxide, and of the base with hydrogen peroxide, ozone and osmium tetroxide failed to give identifiable products. Chromic acid oxidation, however, gave a ketone, C₁₁H₈ or ₉N₂0, for which a structure has been tentatively advanced. Investigations into the method of formation of the base have ruled out the previously proposed method of formation. Doubt has been cast on the proposed structure of the base and preliminary investigations of a similar bromo-substituted red base have been made

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