Co-relation of the ductless glands and the onset of labour


Co-relation of the ductless glands and the onset of labour. Reprinted from The Indian Medical Gazette. Vol. L. (No. 4, April, 1915.)A few notes on some experimental observations, on the co-relation of the ductless glands during pregnancy and factors determining the onset of labour.I would like to draw attention to a sign denoting the intrauterine death of the fetus, which, as far as I understand, has been, up till now overlooked, i.e., the presence of milk in the mamma, within 3—5 days of the occurrence (according to the period of pregnancy ; the earlier the pregnancy is terminated, the later for the milk to appear). This milk is a true milR secre¬ tion and not merely a watery colostrum. The advantages of this knowledge concerning the vitality of the fetus in doubtful cases will readily be apparent, when alternatives in operative interference are before the surgeon, in complications during the latter months of d—1 pregnancy. The presence of this true breast secretion, in such cases, is constant and easy to verify. The explanation is more obscure, and it apparently depends entirely on the interaction of the glandular hormones, in the economy of the pregnant mother. This interaction is complex in the non-pregnant state, and has so far been diffi¬ cult to elucidate, but much light is shed on the correlation of the ductless glands and their hormones by their behaviour during pregnancy, and I might just briefly refer to some known facts regarding this action, with such light as may be thrown upon them, by some experiments of mine continued during the last eight years

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