Some applications of national income accounting with special reference to China


The present study has been the result of my Ph.D. research on China's national income accounting begun in 1960 at Edinburgh. Initially I had hoped to estimate China's national income for the period 1958-62 based on the conventional national income accounting system. Owing to lack of statistical data, the project was virtually abandoned after two years most of which period had been spent on going through the original Chinese sources as well their English translations available to me in the United Kingdom and, at the same time, hopefully waiting for release of more relevant statistical information in one form or the other by the Chinese on the mainland. Th result of those two years/ of ground work eventually took the form of a very crude estimation of China's national income aggregates for the period 1960-62, which is now incorporated as part of the present study. The work on the study in its present form, which involves a change from construction of a set of national income accounts to applications of national income accounting began in 1962 and the problem of non-availability of non-Chinese national income series has been made easier through passage of time, for the Chinese national income studios by T. C. Liu and K. C. Yeh on behalf of the RAND Corporation and also by Y. L. Wu and associates on behalf of the Stanford Research Institute were available to me in 1964, which provide the necessary empirical data to strengthen the application aspects.Research on the Chinese economy may sometimes be fascinating but the amount of ground work which needs to be done can also be tedious, frustrating, and time-consuming for any one individual without any assistance. The output is usually extremely low in relation to the effort put in

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