Subacute injective endocarditis: A bacteriological, serological and histological study


1.) Organisms can be isolated from the blood of many cases of subacute infective endocarditis but not from all. 2.) The organism most commonly isolated is a streptococcus of non-haemolytic type. 3.) Cultures made from the blood during the last few days of life may reveal organisms which have entered the blood stream as part of a terminal invasion. 4.) Pneumococci and other pyogenic organisms isolated from these cases are most frequently terminal invaders. 5.) Cultures made after death from the blood are unreliable as a means of studying diseases due to streptococci unless the observations are adequately controlled, as these organisms occur very commonly as terminal or agonal invaders of the blood stream. 6.) Failure to isolate streptococci from the blood in cases of this disease has not been due to defective technique. 7.) The technique of blood culture has been studied experimentally. Trypsinized media appear to be the best but satisfactory results can be obtained with media containing sodium citrate in a concentration of 0.2 per cent. 8.) The course of the septicaemia in this disease has been studied quantitatively. The number of organisms is usually small and the increase in numbers is slow and irregular. 9.) The serum of the patient contains agglutinins for the organism producing the disease. 10.) The blood of a patient with infective endocarditis can sterilize itself in vitro. 11.) The bacteria isolated from cases of this disease do not form a homogeneous group. 12.) There is evidence that the bacteria isolated are not in the same condition as those in a laboratory culture, but that they are less capable of active growth. 13.) Delay in growth in blood cultures is chiefly dependent upon the peculiarities of the organism present in the blood. 14.) Experimental production of endocarditis in rabbits is irregular and uncertain. 15.) Details of the progress of the septicaemia and production of antibodies in the experimental animal resemble closely those in the human disease. 16.) No evidence has been obtained of the existence of any property of elective localization in the organisms isolated from the human or the experimental disease. 17.) Experiments are recorded on the production of endocarditis by the inoculation of pneumococci into immunized rabbits. 18.) In most of the cases of infective endocarditis with a negative blood culture bacteria can be demonstrated in the vegetation but they appear to be in a degenerate condition. 19.) Attention is drawn to the resemblance between the lesions in the valves in this disease and that in the submiliary nodule in rheumatic fever. 20.) Submiliary nodules have not been found in the heart muscle of cases of subacute infective endocarditis. 21.) Attempts at specific therapy by means of a specially prepared serum and by means of transfusion of blood from an immunized donor have not produced any beneficial effect in the cases in which they have been tried. 22.) The significance of these findings in relation to certain features of the disease is discussed

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