Teacher Perceptions of an Online Extensive Reading Platform


Extensive reading (ER) has been shown to have a number of positive effects on learning a foreign language. Improvements in vocabulary size, reading fluency and comprehension, and grammatical accuracy are just some of the outcomes of extensive reading programs. Since 2011, extensive reading at Sojo University has been carried out through the use of graded readers, typically in the form of physical books made available to students either in class or through the Self-Access Learning Center (SALC). Recently, the popularity of reading texts in digital format has increased with the ubiquitous ownership of portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, and lightweight laptops. In April 2018, all second-year students at Sojo University were required to purchase a subscription to a website known as Xreading (www.xreading.com), which offers hundreds of graded readers in digital format. This study examines teacher perceptions of the platform. A total of nine teachers participated in the study, including the authors of the paper, and the results appear to indicate that teachers feel extensive reading in general is a worthwhile activity but difficult to implement in this context. Results also show that teachers feel the online platform, Xreading, needs to improve in several areas before providing a significant advantage over physical books

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