Moveable kidneys: an enquiry into its frequency, with remarks on the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


I have endeavoured as far as my opportunities permitted , to show that the condition of renal mobility is one which occurs more often than is generally supposed.It is much more frequent in women than in men. The right kidney is much more frequently displaced than the left.Symptoms are often absent.It is a condition which is frequently discovered accidentc ally, during an examination in connection with some other condition, and without any previous suspicion of its presence.It has been known to produce hydronephrosis.Nephrorrhaphy properly performed upon properly selected cases, affords a safe and effectual means of alleviating the distressing symptoms which accompany them.Many cases of hitherto unexplained abdominal pain and intestinal disturbance might be attributed to this cause, if the subject were recognised as of greater clinical import, than can be assumed from the attention which it has received

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