Implementation of the measurement system analysis in the manufacturing process


Tema završnog rada je „Uvođenje postupka za analizu mjernog sustava u proizvodni proces“. Radi boljeg kontroliranja, ali i poboljšavanja proizvodnih procesa, potreban je kvalitetan mjerni sustavi koji mjeri značajke procesa. U ovom su radu opisani postupci za analizu mjernog sustava u proizvodnome procesu te je navedena matematička podloga provedenih koraka. Analiza mjernog sustava razlikuje se od slučaja do slučaja, odnosno ovisi o broju mjeritelja, broju predmeta mjerenja i broju ponavljanja mjerenja. U svrhu lakše analize mjernog sustava upotrebaljvaju se različiti računalni programi. Pri izradi ovog rada korišten je jedan takav program – Minitab 17 (probna verzija).The topic of this dissertation is “Implementation of the measurement system analysis in the manufacturing process”. For better control, and improvement of production processes, quality measurement system is needed to measure the characteristics of the process. This paper describes the procedures for the measurement system analysis in the manufacturing process and mathematical backgroud of implemented steps. Analysis of the measurement system is different from case to case, and depends on the number of operators, the number of measured parts and number of measurement repetitions. In order to facilitate analysis of the measurement system, various computer programs are used. Also, in preparation of this study, one such program was used – Minitab 17 (trial)

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