Steep, Spatially Graded Recruitment of Feedback Inhibition by Sparse Dentate Granule Cell Activity


The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is thought to subserve important physiological functions, such as 'pattern separation'. In chronic temporal lobe epilepsy, the dentate gyrus constitutes a strong inhibitory gate for the propagation of seizure activity into the hippocampus proper. Both examples are thought to depend critically on a steep recruitment of feedback inhibition by active dentate granule cells. Here, I used two complementary experimental approaches to quantitatively investigate the recruitment of feedback inhibition in the dentate gyrus. I showed that the activity of approximately 4% of granule cells suffices to recruit maximal feedback inhibition within the local circuit. Furthermore, the inhibition elicited by a local population of granule cells is distributed non-uniformly over the extent of the granule cell layer. Locally and remotely activated inhibition differ in several key aspects, namely their amplitude, recruitment, latency and kinetic properties. Finally, I show that net feedback inhibition facilitates during repetitive stimulation. Taken together, these data provide the first quantitative functional description of a canonical feedback inhibitory microcircuit motif. They establish that sparse granule cell activity, within the range observed in-vivo, steeply recruits spatially and temporally graded feedback inhibition

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