Gold therapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. A study of the literature with observations on 24 cases treated personally


Gold therapy in pulmonary tuberculosis: a study of the literature with observations on 24 cases treated personally.Gold therapy is of definite value in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.Its results cannot compare with those of collapse therapy, but it makes artificial pneumothorax possible in many cases of bilateral disease where otherwise it would be precluded by the nature and extent of the lesion in the contralateral lung.In originally unilateral disease treated by artificial pneumothorax it can control a new spread in the contralateral lung which would otherwise necessitate the abandonment of the collapse.In unilateral exudative disease where artificial pneumothorax has been tried and failed, it may so influence the course of the lesions as to bring about a condition suitable for thoracoplasty.It is in freshly spreading exudative or nodular lesions that its beneficial influence is most apparent. Exudative lesions undergo absorption and the productive nodular type fibrosis to an extent which is not usually seen in cases treated by sanatorium regime alone.Excerbations in the course of chronic fibro- caseous disease may be favourably influenced. Here again it is the fresh spreading disease which is mainly affected.The consistence, quantity and bacillary content, of the sputum are all favourably influenced and in a large proportion of treated cases, the sputum becomes, and remains negative.Small doses not exceeding 0.25 gm. give just as favourable results as larger ones, and the undesirable reactions likely to result from the use of gold therapy are milder and much less frequent with small rather than with large doses.When small doses do not influence the course of the disease in a favourable manner it is unlikely that an increase in the size of the dose above 0.25 gm. will have any beneficial results

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