Relational extensions to feature logic: applications to constraint based grammars


This thesis investigates the logical and computational foundations of unification-based or more appropriately constraint based grammars. The thesis explores extensions to feature logics (which provide the basic knowledge representation services to constraint based grammars) with multi-valued or relational features. These extensions are useful for knowledge representation tasks that cannot be expressed within current feature logics.The approach bridges the gap between concept languages (such as KL-ONE), which are the mainstay of knowledge representation languages in AI, and feature logics. Va¬ rious constraints on relational attributes are considered such as existential membership, universal membership, set descriptions, transitive relations and linear precedence con¬ straints.The specific contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follows: 1. Development of an integrated feature/concept logic 2. Development of a constraint logic for so called partial set descriptions 3. Development of a constraint logic for expressing linear precedence constraints 4. The design of a constraint language CL-ONE that incorporates the central ideas provided by the above study 5. A study of the application of CL-ONE for constraint based grammarsThe thesis takes into account current insights in the areas of constraint logic programming, object-oriented languages, computational linguistics and knowledge representation

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