Democracy at Work: The Sixth Circuit Upholds The Right of the People of Cincinnati to Choose Their Own Morality in \u3ci\u3eEquality Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. v. City of Cincinnati\u3c/i\u3e, 128 F.3d 289 (6th Cir. 1997)


The gay-rights movement, which has grown in power and influence over the last few decades, can no longer proclaim political powerlessness. The great proliferation of gay-rights groups and anti-discrimination laws and policies demonstrate this. Gay-rights organizations have had much success in promoting an agenda of tolerance and non-discrimination across America. The gay-rights movement, however, has since changed its goals from societal tolerance of homosexuals to outright acceptance even to the extent of legalizing same-sex marriage. Supporters of traditional mores, however, have begun to fight back. The public is responding to what it sees as an elitist court system that imposes its own liberal morality onto the populace against their will. The opponents of such radical social engineering by an un-elected few have responded with successful grass-roots democratic efforts to thwart this attack on traditional morality and return this nation \to its historic roots. This Note will examine one such effort by the citizens of Cincinnati and the litigation that resulted from it in the case Equality Foundation of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. v. City of Cincinnati

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