The development of the chrondrocranium of ovis, together with some aspects of the development of the osteocranium


It is a surprise to find on surveying the literature on the development of the mammalian chondrocranium that though several authors studied the chondrocranium of various mammals, no attempt has been made to trace system - aticnlly the development of the chondrocranium of Ovis, specimens of which are so easily available.Under the modern method of investigation adopted in the present study of the chondrocranium of Ovis the following conclusions may be drawn. The chondrocranium of Ovis conforms to the generalized mammalian type and could be easily derived from the reptilian ancestors. Many features characteristic of placental mammals are clearly exhibited The following are some of the interesting features which draw attention.1) The constricted basal plate differs from the wide basal plate of reptilian origin as in Bos and Equus.2) The presence of the interorbital septum suggests the the tropibasic skull of reptilian ancestors.4) There is no processus ascendens and the ala temporalis is a separate cartilage. The presence of an outer bar of Jacobson's cartilage appears to provide an intermediate group bridging Archaeorhinata and Caenorhinata.5) There is a definite backward extension of the nasal capsule.6) The sphenethmoid commissures are slender rods, the orbito- parietal commissures are broad reminiscent of amphibian ancestors.7) The chondrocranium of Ovis conforms to the placental type of chondrocranium.8) The base of the cranium takes a long period to ossify though a cartilaginous foundation is laid early in the development.9) The basipresphenoid and the auditory capsules do not ossify till late in development.10) The Meckel's cartilage takes no part in the formation of the mandible except to serve as a supporting rod for the lamellae of the dentary

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