The role of mast cells in gastro-intestinal nematode parasitism of the goat


Studies were conducted to investigate the in vivo and in vitro responses of caprine mast cells to challenge with gastro-intestinal nematode parasites. Initial work concentrated on the isolation and purification of a mast cell-specific neutral granule protease, termed goat mast cell protease (GMCP), from homogenates of caprine intestinal tissue. Immunological, biochemical and molecular characterisation studies localised the enzyme to caprine mast cells, confirmed its similarity to a sheep mast cell protease (SMCP), uncovered cDNA coding for a second mast cell protease (termed GMCP II) and highlighted a dual chymotrypsin and trypsinlike substrate specificity. This latter finding categorised it alongside SMCP and bovine duodenase as a member of the novel 'janus' class of dual-specific ruminant serine esterases. Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were raised against GMCP and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) constructed which was used to determine the functional activity of mast cells. This was achieved initially in the tissues of animals undergoing experimental infections with nematodes and subsequently in ex vivo populations of isolated intestinal mast cells and bone marrow derived mast cells grown in vitro.In vivo studies comparing yearling goats and kids with lambs undergoing primary and secondary infections with Telodorsagia circumcincta demonstrated that after secondary infections the goat and kid abomasal tissues retained more worms and, after both primary and secondary infections, contained considerably less GMCP than the equivalent lamb abomasal tissues. A significant mastocytosis response following repeated exposure to the parasites was also demonstrated in both species, although the secondarily infected goats and kids contained proportionately more globule leukocytes (GL) than the lambs. Blood and tissue eosinophil responses were variable, but measurements for total serum IgE demonstrated that the goats, kids and lambs developed increased mean total serum IgE levels after primary and secondary exposure to nematodes.Caprine mast cells were also studied in isolation through ex vivo purification of caprine intestinal mucosal mast cells (MMC) and GL and in vitro growth of bone marrow marrow derived mast cells (BMMC) from haemopoietic precursor cells using recombinant ovine cytokines. Caprine and ovine BMMC cultures were characterised in terms of their cell morphology, GMCP, SMCP and acid hydrolase content during cytokine dose and time response experiments, which demonstrated the significant effects of ovine stem cell factor on BMMC proliferation and long term culture viability when used in combination with ovine interleukin-3. Biochemical and morphological studies, including the use of electron microscopy, were carried out to compare isolated goat MMC with goat and sheep BMMC as well as with isolated sheep MMC. These highlighted significant differences in the mediator content of the different cell populations with markedly less protease in caprine BMMC when compared with ovine BMMC and caprine MMC.Goat MMC and BMMC were stimulated to release the contents of their cytoplasmic granules in the presence of synthetic secretogogues and crude nematode antigen preparations. Initial results showed that calcium ionophore A21387 produced the greatest dose-related release of mediators from caprine BMMC, indicating that the majority of the cells present in these cultures possessed a functional phenotype similar to that associated with MMC. Subsequent studies involving crude antigen preparations derived from T. circumcincta and Haemonchus contortus demonstrated that they were capable of inducing BMMC activation. This activation response could also be enhanced after passive sensitisation of the cells with IgE-containing serum or lymph preparations obtained from animals undergoing experimental exposure to parasitic nematodes

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