Envisaging Nowy Targ Square: rehabilitation challenges of postwar housing within historic contexts


7KLV SDSHU GHDOV ZLWK JHQHUDO TXHVWLRQV FRQFHUQLQJ WKH FKDOOHQJHV RI SUHVHUYDWLRQ RI WK century architecture within historically sensitive locations, taking as its basis of investigation a VSHFL¿FFDVHVWXG\LQ:URFáDZ 7KLVFKRLFHRIFDVH VWXG\PD\QDUURZDZLGHUDUUD\RILVVXHV potentially encountered within different locales; this does not aim to be an exhaustive report. 1HLWKHUGRHVWKLVSDSHUWU\WRH[DPLQHWKHJHQHUDOPRGHUQDUFKLWHFWXUDODQGXUEDQKLVWRU\RI :URFáDZ RULWV UHFRQVWUXFWLRQ SUDFWLFHV 5HIHUUDOWRWKH ZLGHU FRQWH[WLV GHWHUPLQHG E\WKH FKDUDFWHURISUREOHPV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHWR1RZ\7DUJ ZLWKDQHPSKDVLVRQWKRVHLPPHGLDWHO\ preceding the postwar housing-led development. The dissertation forms an outline of both problems and possible rehabilitation strategies so as to provide an alternative perspective to current conservation recommendations for the area

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