Study of Ste. Beuve's criticisms of English and German literatures


An attempt is made in the following pages to discuss the various judgements pronounced by Ste. Beuve upon the literatures of England and Germany. The task of reading Ste. Leuve's 6O odd volumes, in addition to those books consulted for reference, has been onerous but at she same time most interesting. In the case of a work like the 'Decline; and Fail', I have to confess myself in a position rather similar to that of Mr. Silas Wegg ; : "I haven't been, not to say right slap through him very lately, having been otherwise employed Mr. Boffin"; but with regard generally to the fairly wide reading involved in all three languages, my pleasure has been increased by renewing acquaintance with much that had long since been forgotten. Liberal use has been made throughout of quotations from the critic's own writings:- a practice which he himself preferred to follow, although it often results, as here, in a somewhat broken styl

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