Genetical and physiological studies of the domestic fowl


A. GENETICS OF THE FOWL: 1930 I The inheritance of frizzled plumage. Journ. Genet. 22: 109 -127. • 1933 II A four -gene autosomal linkage group. Genetics 18: 82 -91. • 1934 III Congenital tremor in young chicks. Journ. Hered. 25: 341 -390. (Hutt and Child) • 1936 IV Linkage relations of crest, dominant white and frizzling in the fowl. Amer. Nat. 70: 379 -394. (warren and Hutt) • V The modified frizzle. Journ. Genet. 32: 277 -295. • VI A tentative chromosome map. 3eue Forachungen in Tierzucht und Abstammungslehre (Doerst Festschrift): 105-112. • 1938 VII Breed differences in susceptibility to extreme heat. Poultry Science 17: 454-462. • 1939 VIII Breed differences in resistance to a deficiency of vitamin B1 in the fowl. Journ. Agric. Res. 58: 305-316. (Lamoreux and Hutt) • 1938 IX Naked, a new sex -linked mutation. Journ. Hered. 29: 370 -379. (Hutt and Sturkie) • X A relation between breed characteristics and poor reproduction in White Wyandotte fowls. Amer. Nat. (In press)NOT IN THE REGULAR SERIES: 1929 A note on Lambert =s mosaic in the fowl. Journ. Hered. 20: 323 -324. • Sex dimorphism and vari+bility in the appendiculcr skeleton of the Leghorn fowl. Poultry Science 8: 202- 218. • 1932 Eight new mutations in the domestic fowl. Proc. Sixth Internat. Congress of Genetics, Ithaca, New York, 1932. Vol. 2: 96-97.B. MAMMALIAN GENETICS: 1930 Bovine quadruplets including twins apparently monozygotic. Journ. Hered. 21: 339-348. • 1932 Congenital tailleesness in the rat. Journ. Hered. 23: 363-367. (Hutt and Mydland) • 1934 A hereditary lethal muscle contracture in cattle. Mourn. Hered. 25: 41-46,C. HUMAN GENETICS 1934 Sex differences in the expression of autosomal genes affecting humen dentition. A Decade of Progress in Eugenics, Scientific Papers of the 3rd. International Congress of Eugenics, 1932: 447-452. • 1935 An earlier record of the toothless men of Sind. Journ. Herod. 26: 65-66.B. EMBRYONIC MORTALITY IN THE FOWL: 1929 I The frequencies of various malpositions of the chick embryo and their significance. Proc. Roy Soc. Edin. 49, Pt. 2, No. 10: 118-130. • II Chondrodystrophy in the chick. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 49, Pt. 2, No. 11: 131 -144. (Hutt and Greenwood) • III Chick monsters in relation to embryonic mortality. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 49, Pt. 2, No. 12: 145 - 155. (Hutt and Greenwood) • 1930 IV Comparative rates of mortality in eggs laid at different periods of the day and their bearing on theories of the origin of monsters. Poultry Science 9: 194-203. (Hutt and. Pilkey) • 1934 V Relationships between positions of the egg and frequencies of malpositions. Poultry Science 13: 3 -13. (Hutt and Pilkey) • Vi The relation between abnormal orientation of the 4-day embryo and position of the chick at hatching. Journ. Agric. Res. 48: 517 -531. (Covers and Hutt) • 1938 VII On the relation of malpositions to the size and shape of eggs. Poultry Science 17: 345 -352.NOT IN THE REGULAR SERIES: 1930 On the origin, common types end economic significance of teratological monsters in embryos of the domestic fowl. Froc. 4th World's Poultry Congress, London: 195 -202.E. AVIAN PHYSIOLOGY (mostly endocrinology and physiology of reproduction): 1928 Further experiments in feeding thyroid to fowls. Poultry Science 7: 50-66. (Cole and Hutt) • Potentially fetal fatigue of the cervical muscles of the fowl resulting from an excessively large comb. Vet. Journ. 84: 579 -584. • 1929 On the relation of fertility in fowls to the amount of testicular material and density of sperm suspension. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 49, Pt. 2, No. 9: 102-117. • 1930 A note on the effects of different doses of thyroid on the fowl. Journ. Exper. Biol. 7: 1 -6. • 1933 On the fecundity of partially ovariotomised fowls. Journ. Exp. Zool. 65: 199 -214. (Hutt and Grussendorf) • 1935 Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism and tetany in the fowl. Endocrinology 19: 39& -492. (Hutt and Boyd) • 1938 The influence of estrogens in egg yolk upon avian blood calcium. Endocrinology 23: 793-799. (Altmann and Hutt) • 1939 Variability of body temperature in the normal chick. Poultry Science lge 70-75. (Lamoreax and Hutt) • An intrafollicular ovum laïd by a fowl. Poultry Science (In press)F. ORNITHOLOGY: 1932 Birds observed.from shipboard in crossing the North Atlantic. The Auk 49z 184 -190. • 1938 Humber of feathers and body sire in passerine birds. The Auk 55: 651 -657. (Hutt and Ball)G. REVIEWS AND GENERAL: 1932 Paradoxical terminology in genetics. Amer. Nat. 66: 274 -277. • 1933 Research with a hen. Science 78: 449 -452. 1934 Inherited, lethal characters in domestic animals. The Cornell Veterinarian 24: 1 -25. • 1938 The geneticist's objectives in poultry improvement. Amer. Nat. 72: 268-284

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