In this project a novel combinatorial synthesis method, Suspended Droplet Alloying (SDA), has been developed for the rapid production of small, bulk alloy samples for the large EU FP7 collaborative project, Accelerated Metallurgy. SDA can produce a discrete mm-sized fully dense alloy button with precise stoichiometry in several minutes. Samples of many different alloy systems have been produced by SDA but this thesis will only present work on the Ti-Al-V, Ti-Al-Fe and Ti-Al-Nb alloy systems. Ti-Al-Nb alloy samples are difficult to make due to the high melting point of Nb, so the SDA process parameters have been optimized in order to make homogeneous Ti-Al-Nb alloys. The fundamentals of the SDA process have been studied in terms of the formation of the droplets and the consistency of the process. Splats deposited by the impact of individual alloy droplets have also been investigated. Finally, SDA has been used to explore the influence of a fourth elemental addition to a Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy. The elements added are V, Hf, Cr and Zr. It has been found that the addition of V can increase the ductility of Ti-46Al-8Nb alloy significantly