
Fundamental studies on nano-composite phase change materials (PCM) for cold storage applications


This thesis studies the thermophysical properties and the phase change behaviour of EG-water and Salt-water based PCMs for cold storage applications, and investigates the role of adding MCNT on the thermophysical properties and the phase change processes. First, the structure of MCNT clusters is linked to the rheological behaviour of the nanofluids by fitting the experimental viscosity data to the modified K-D model. Second, the MCNT cluster information is used to predict thermal conductivity. The effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids not only relies on the particle concentration, but also depends on the particle cluster structure. The specific heat of MCNT nanofluids is decreasing proportionally with the concentration of MCNT. The supercooling degree of EG-water and salt-water based samples can be reduced by adding MCNT particles. The crystallization process of salt-water basefluid and nanofluid was observed and recorded under an optical microscope with cooling stage. Adding MCNT can promote the crystal growth rate

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