Do exotic alpha-cluster states in 12 C show signatures of alpha-condensate structure? Analysis of recent data on the a -particle inelastic scattering


The diffraction model, DWBA and the Coupled Reaction Channels analysis of the novel data of α + 12C elastic and inelastic (to the states 4.44, 7.65 and 9.64 MeV) scattering in full angular range at an incident energy of 110 MeV is presented. The diffraction radii for the ground and the first excited (4.44 MeV) states are found to be equal. The diffraction radii for the 7.65 and 9.64 MeV states are enhanced by 0.5–0.8 fm. This result shows that the radius of the Hoyle’s 0+ 2 , 7.65 MeV state in 12C is larger by a factor of ∼ 1.2 - 1.3 than that of the ground state. It is demonstrated that the direct transfer of 8Be dominates at large angles in all four reactions reported here and that the relative angular momentum L=0 corresponding to the transfer of 8Be in its ground state 0+ has predominant probability for the 0 + 2 state in comparison with the ground state of 12C. Evidence of existence of some features of alpha-condensed structure of the Hoyle’s 0+ 2 state in 12C was obtained, particularly, its enhanced radius and large contribution of alpha-particle configuration with L =

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