Keeping Your Social (Media) Distance: Library Engagement in the Time of COVID


During COVID-19, University of North Florida’s Thomas G. Carpenter Library quickly expanded its social media content in order to better reach students, faculty, and staff, all of whom suddenly found themselves working and learning remotely. The Carpenter Library’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts (@unflibrary) quickly became the face of the library, whereas in the past they had merely supported outreach, promotion, and advocacy. By transitioning in-person programs to virtual formats, focusing on supportive and uplifting campaigns, and harnessing interactive modes of communication like Instagram Stories and video, outreach staff increased and maintained the library’s online following while also creating a culture of positivity and togetherness. Attendees will hear specific examples about what worked and what didn’t, with perspective given from both an experienced outreach librarian and a new library staff member. Presenters will detail fun and innovative ways to incorporate best practices for social media engagement, social listening, and online programming. Attendees will also learn how to use social media to demonstrate the value of their own library’s changing services and resources while still supporting their community. Links to planning documents will be provided during the presentation, which attendees will be encouraged to use and re-purpose for their own libraries

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