
Efficient agriculture: Sustainable organic olive oil production in Almería Province; smallholder perspectives


The survival of smallholder olive-oil producers is a growing concern for the European Union. Despite subsidies (such as single farm payment), competition from intensive producers and increasing operating costs results in abandonment or a change to intensification which has long term negative environmental impacts. This dissertation explores ways to provide useful information to aid smallholder survival in Almería Province. Through interviews with smallholder producers, a review of relevant literature, and a case study of best practices in sustainable olive-oil production from Oro del Desierto, this research produced a useful finding; organic production is economically viable in the long term therefore is a potential adaptation option for survival over intensification of production. If smallholder growers produce high-quality extra virgin organic olive-oil, and employ effective marketing strategies and sustainable practices, their methods can be economically viable as they sell to a growing niche market. Additionally, organic production offers many environmental benefits such as increasing biodiversity

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