
LOPES (LOFAR Prototype Station) is an array of dipole antennas used for detection of radio emission from air showers. It is co-located and triggered by the KASCADE (Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector) experiment, which also provides informations about air shower properties. Even though neither LOPES nor KASCADE are completely optimized for the detection of highly inclined events, a significant number of showers with zenith angle larger than 50o^o have been detected in the radio domain, and many with very high field strengths. Investigation of inclined showers can give deeper insight into the nature of primary particles that initiate showers and also into the possibility that some of detected showers are triggered by neutrinos. In this paper, we show the example of such an event and present some of the characteristics of highly inclined showers detected by LOPES

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