A survey of music education in the smaller high schools of California and a program of music courses


It was the author\u27s privilege to begin teaching in a small secondary school. There, it is his firm belief, is the place for most beginning teachers to commence their life\u27s work. It is here that one finds problems in curricula and procedures that he would probably never dream of during his theoretical training. There one would be asked to teach many subjects other than the one he has chosen in his major field. This should not prove to be a hardship but a blessing in that one would have develop initiative and in many other ways round out his personality. Here it was that the author became interested in the curricular problems of the small high school. Teacher load, pupil hours, and the lack of sufficient time for certain subjects were problems in which he first became acquainted. Music, which was his field in college, proved to be taking a secondary place in many instances; consequently he began to search for reasons and remedies for the situation. It is the author\u27s earnest desire that this beginning will help other prospective teachers of music with some of the problems they will undoubtedly face

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